Ways To Save Wild Horses From Complete Extinction and Removal By the Bureau of Land Management and Local Ranchers

Ways To Save Wild Horses From Complete Extinction and Removal By the Bureau of Land Management and Local Ranchers

There are several ways to help protect wild horses and burros from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and local ranchers:

  1. Get involved in advocacy efforts: Join organizations and advocacy groups working to protect wild horses and burros, and support their efforts to change laws and policies.

  2. Educate yourself and others: Spread the word about the importance of wild horses and burros and the challenges they face, and encourage others to get involved in advocacy efforts.

  3. Support scientific research: Donate to organizations conducting research on wild horse and burro populations and their habitats, and encourage the BLM to consider the findings of these studies when making decisions about their management.

  4. Encourage the BLM to adopt humane management practices: Urge the BLM to adopt humane management practices, such as fertility control and herd management, instead of roundups and removals.

  5. Provide sanctuary: Support sanctuaries that provide a safe and natural habitat for wild horses and burros, and encourage the BLM to consider these sanctuaries as an alternative to removal and long-term holding facilities.

It's important to note that the protection of wild horses and burros is a complex issue and there is no single solution. However, by working together and taking action, we can help ensure their survival and protect these iconic animals for future generations.

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